About Your Wayfarer

Li'l Sebastian and Myself

Hi, everybody. That's me in the picture. No, not the horse. The guy not exactly sure if he should be touching the horse or not. There's a very, very good chance that you haven't read my previous blog, Campaigning and Gaming, but I stopped writing that a while ago. If the context isn't exactly apparent, I focused that blog on politics and video games. While I still delve heavily into the former vice, and occasionally into the latter, I decided to start a new blog to focus on something a little more important to me.

My faith.

I'm a 23-year Southern Baptist, and I have my parents to thank immensely for leading me into the faith. I would like to mention firstly that, if it wasn't for my parents, I would probably not be a Christian, nor would I be on the path I am today. My parents took Proverbs 22:6 very seriously, and raised me in the way I should follow. While I might have strayed at times, it is thanks to my parents for raising me in the Christian faith, and to God above for accepting a wretch like me.

With that being said, while I believe the Southern Baptist Church to genuinely care about the eternal soul of the believer, I have not been so certain that it is necessarily the best way for multiple reasons, of which I will delve into throughout the length of this blog.

So what is?

For the past six months or so, I have been leaning heavily toward the Eastern Orthodox Church. Many people believe it's quite "Catholic, but a little weird." However, upon much study into their beliefs (and continuing study), I believe it is the one, holy, catholic (not in the denomination sense), and apostolic church. These are known as the Four Marks of the Church promoted in the Nicene Creed. We Baptists like to call them the "attributes of the Church."

Let me, then, explain the purpose of this blog. I don't think my journey to Orthodoxy will be easy. I know many of my friends, mentors, and elders will look at me incredulously, thinking I have lost my faith in Christ, but not understanding or even attempting to understand the aspects of church tradition the Orthodox Church promotes. I also know I may be alienated by many I call brothers and sisters in Christ. 

I say, here and now that These assertions are not true.

Not only have I not lost my faith in Christ, but I am ready to grow in it. I've never been more excited about my spiritual journey, and I am committed to growing in my faith in the one, triune God with you all. If you have any questions, please ask.

This blog will focus upon the things I learn as I develop in my faith, my reactions to Orthodoxy from a Protestant viewpoint, and hopefully, if this blog continues years down the road, my eventual acceptance into the Orthodox Church. Maybe I'll even throw some politics in somewhere, for old time's sake.

The title of this blog is "The Great Adventure." As corny as it is, I took it from the title of a very old Steven Curtis Chapman song. The lyrics of the song describe his Christian journey, the continuing mystery of Christ, and the wonder at exploring "God's amazing Grace." If you're interested in my path along the Orthodox Way, I encourage you to read and pray for me. A few comments, encouragements, criticisms, etc. wouldn't hurt either.

Saddle up your horse (or in my case, Li'l Sebastian). 

Let's ride on The Great Adventure.

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